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Writer's pictureJessica Karvelis

Raspberry ice-cream sandwiches

I’m not much of a berry person when it comes to dessert, but after making these raspberry flavoured ice-cream sandwiches, I have to say, I may have been converted.

When experimenting with different flavours in the kitchen, sometimes you surprise yourself by the results you produce. Ultimately, I wasn’t making these ice-cream sandwiches for myself to enjoy. At the time, I just felt like experimenting with tastes outside my pallet that would appeal to others that have cravings for fruity desserts.

I was pleasantly surprised by the flavours I produced in this dessert. It had enough of a raspberry punch for those fruit lovers, but not too much that it became overpowering. However, if want the raspberry flavour to be stronger in the dessert, do not hold back, add more raspberries!

But, I do prefer the version I created though (not trying to be egotistical or anything) as it almost reminds me of a strawberries and cream combination, just with raspberries instead. In fact, now that I think about it… I should make a classical ‘strawberries and cream’ dessert of some sort down the track… Maybe an acai bowl or cheesecake version... I better start brainstorming again.

Anyway, enjoy!

Raspberry Ice-cream Sandwiches


Serves 8 - 10



· 1 cup almond flour

· 1/2 cup tapioca flour

· 1/4 cup coconut flour

· 3 tbsp coconut milk

· 1/3 cup coconut nectar

· 3 tbsp coconut oil

· 1 tsp vanilla essence


· 1 cup coconut cream

· 3/4 cup raspberries (roughly chopped)

· 1 1/4 cup strawberry puree

· 1/4 cup coconut nectar

· 1 tsp vanilla essence


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees on fan bake.

Mix of the all ingredients together in a food processor until completely combined. Place baking paper onto a tray. Spread the mixture evenly onto the base of the tray. Place the tray in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Use a circular shape cookie cutter to cut out an even number of circular biscuits.

For the ice-cream, mix all of the ingredients in a food processor. Pour the mixture in a cake tin and place it aside in the freezer for 2 hours until it has partially set. Use a circular shape cookie cutter to cut out circular ice-cream fillings for each two biscuits. Place one circular ice-cream filling in between two biscuits.

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